Which canned tuna is lowest in mercury?

Oregon albacore tuna have much lower mercury levels compared to tuna caught elsewhere. Albacore tuna in the Pacific Northwest are part of a specific migratory group that inhabits waters with lower mercury levels. Additionally, these migrating fish are young, meaning they haven’t had time to accumulate high levels of mercury. Our hook-and-line fishing methods ensure …

Is canned tuna good for you?

Yes! Canned tuna is low in calories, high in protein, and very rich in Omega-3 fatty acids (6500 mg per 7.5 oz can!). It is an excellent natural source of vitamin D, B vitamins, selenium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and zinc. Eating Oregon-caught and canned tuna is an easy and natural way to get your protein …

Eat Sockeye and Glow From The Inside Out!

  Eat this one fish and glow! Have you ever had the feeling like you’ve just gotten a massive dose of something that makes your body feel REALLY good? I get this feeling whenever I eat a can of Alaskan Sockeye Salmon. There’s something special about Sockeye salmon that just hits different. It could be …

Hey Look, Our First Blog Post! And Documentary!

Welcome to the brand-new Oregon’s Choice Blog! Almost 50 years in business, and we’ve never had a blog. Well, there’s no better time to start than now, right? I thought I should introduce myself first: I’m SueAnna, the second-generation owner of Oregon’s Choice Gourmet. My dad founded OCG nearly 50 years ago as an individual …